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In my home town of Atlanta, there exists a restaurant that is also a landmark. The food offered at The Varsity, which sits downtown right at the fringe of the Georgia Tech campus, is heart attack-inducing hamburgers, hotdogs, fries, onion rings, and other cholesterol-laden fare. I went as a young boy with my mother and the experience was overwhelming.

“What’llyahave?” The man taking my order barked at me. I didn’t understand what he was asking. Without skipping a beat, he barked again, louder this time. “What’llyahave!” My mother must have seen the confusion on my face because she leaned down and whispered, “He wants to know what you want.” What I did I want? What would I have? In the moment, a hamburger, fries, and a shake, seemed pretty good tome. In fact, it seemed to me to be everything I could ever want. Of course that wasn’t true. In the act of eating, I was pretty well content, but soon after the meal was gone, I began to feel want again. Ever since, I’ve been asked repeatedly by purveyors of happiness what it is I want, what I’d like to have. Every time, the answer turns out to be incorrect, or incomplete. All of the things I’ve thought I wanted in my life have turned out to be not what I really wanted at all. They were, at best, on little wants, surface desires, substitute happiness.

What do you want? I mean, what do you really want? You know what I mean. What’s the heart’s desire you keep trying to buy off with cheap counterfeits? What were you really after when—

You chased after that job promotion?

You looked, and then looked again, and still again, at that new girl (guy) in the office next door?

You surfed “those” sites on the internet—yet again?

You engaged in yet another pointless political argument on FaceBook?

You bought that new car? That new set of earrings? That expensive new bible?

You tried another new hairstyle?

You fought with your spouse over the . . . the . . . well, the thing you don’t remember right now?

You got baptized?

You got baptized again?

You joined the fitness club?

You indulged your sweet tooth with chocolate—a whole bag of Hershey Kisses?

You passed along that “interesting” bit of news about the coworker you don’t like very much?

You sold out for 30 pieces of silver?

You ran away crying in shame?

You crawled into bed with a stranger?

You walked out of the store without paying for that item?

You sold your property but lied about how much you got for it?

You sat at the door of the church, begging for coins.

You sat by the pool, waiting for the water to move?

You yelled at the teacher, even though you knew your child was at fault?

You mocked the preacher behind his back?

You reached out to touch, just barely touch, the barest edge of his robe?

You asked four friends to carry you to the Teacher?

You left the only home you’ve ever known because “a voice” said you should.

You went to the tomb and found it empty?

What are you after? What do you want, really? My guess is, if you’re like me, you’re not always sure. But I know someone who does know what it is you really, really, want. Now, there is no promise I’m aware of that says God will necessarily tell you what you really want—at least not in the moment. But if you want to find what it is your heart is searching for, may I suggest you start here:

“Delight yourself in the LORD, and He will give you the desires of your heart” (Psalm 37:4)

Whatever your hidden desire is, God knows and will give it to you. So trust him, do good, and practice faithfulness (vs 3), and don’t be discouraged when your substitutes don’t satisfy. And when that voice in your head asks you that all important question,


Just answer, “I’ll have Jesus, with nothing on the side.”

Peace . . .

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