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On the Way Back Home

Devotional thoughts for the homesick and hurting.

I’m not a theologian, and this is not theology. I’m just a lost boy coming home, and these short observations are just my own way of making sense of the journey.

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Hear It From Me

For most of my professional career I worked as a teacher and Principal in a variety of parochial schools across several states.  For a few years, I became an Executive Director of a senior living community, which included independent living, assisted living, and (eventually) dementia care.  Currently, my vocation involves helping people plan for retirement, protect their families financially, and minimize their relationship with the IRS. 

My avocation is writing and sharing my own personal testimony of God's work for, in, and through me.  I am not a theologian, and this is not a theological or doctrinal blog.  I'm a seeker, and this blog is simply my devotional musings on scripture, concepts, ideas, or questions, that spark my interest.

Take some time to explore the blog, read something encouraging or challenging (or both), and feel free to reach out if you would like to dialogue.

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This blog is designed to motivate others to study the Bible and turn to it for guidance in their own lives, rather than depending solely on friends, family, teachers, or pastors, to each them what they believe about spiritual and religious topics.

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All in the Family

No one knows what it’s like . . . To be me . . .” —Tom Petty For much of my life, I have struggled with the sentiment expressed above,...

Rest for the Weary

Been going and going, staying busy. Staying activated and agitated, chasing this and that. Chasing the other thing. There’s always...

“Because I said so!”

Virtually every dispute between my mother and me ended the same way. I would ask, in my most plaintive and frustrated voice, “But, why?”...

The Long Walk Home

I’ve never been the most patient person in the world, which may explain why I tried to walk home one day after school when my mother...

Smoke on the Water

I drove past a small lake this morning on the way to the gym. I pass it regularly on the way to and from church, or work, or sometimes...

It Is Written

I guess I’ve always had a desire to write, or draw, or somehow leave my mark on my world. My earliest leaving a mark memories involve...

Drowning in Shallow Water

I’m drowning. I’m out here in the middle of this little pond at the bottom of this cute little waterfall, and I’m drowning. I can see my...

The Means and the End

Does the end ever justify the means? Seems like a simple question with a simple answer, right? I mean, I’ve pretty much been told all...

Good Morning, Girl

I was reminded today of a time when I would sing to wake up my girls to wake them up each day. After I’d gotten up and gotten ready for...

Useless Things

Spiders creep me out. They also fascinate me. This is just one of contradictions that make up much of who I am. There are few things...


Sometimes presence is all you have to offer. In the middle of a friend’s loss, when words—any words—seem hopelessly inadequate and...

Play Ball!

I’ve never been the world’s best athlete. Some people run like the wind; I run like a turtle with hamstring issues. Some people can...

Afraid of the Dark

I grew up pretty much perpetually afraid of the dark. I was a lights-on, head-covered, prayer-saying, kind of kid. On those rare...

Unburying the Dead

When I was a child, one of our common activities was playing cards. Television being what it was—three fuzzy channels and me as the...

Go Ballgame!

My eldest daughter, now 21 beautiful years old, was a mere 2 (also beautiful) years old when she attended her first professional baseball...

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